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Detailed LCBO notes, quantities purchased, notes and scores on all Vintages Releases since January 2001
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Our Master Database has detailed tasting notes & ratings on all 71,000+ Vintages listings dating back to 2001.
Includes LCBO descriptions, case numbers, agent id, lot numbers, alcohol & residual sugar level PLUS instant store availability.
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For instance, if you wish to search a specific release only, you would show say January 6, 2024 in both by Release Date(s) fields.
You can narrow the search down under a number of criteria, such as "Best Buy" and/ or country, type of wine, etc.
When you get your search results, click on the item name and you will see the tasting note.
Check LCBO store inventory by clicking on Check LCBO Availability.
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You can see all the items represented by an agent for whatever period you select by using the agent code (3letters-space-3letters).
For instance our code for HALPERN ENTERPRISES is Hal Ent
Please remember that prior written permission is required for any form of reproduction (electronic or otherwise) and/or quotation.
QUESTIONS - Contact Michael Vaughan at mbv@uniserve.com

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Note: Click the product name to see the tasting note!
0 records found. Showing all records..
CSPCNameProducerAgent IDCountryScorePriceRelease Date

Score:    - Not Presented   * Below Average   *+ OK   ** Good    **+ Excellent    *** Outstanding ***+ Exceptional

Copyright Vintage Assessments 2025
Prior written permission is required for any form of reproduction
 (electronic or other wise) and or quotation.
Contact Michael Vaughan at mbv@uniserve.com