Keep Vintage Assessments ALIVE by making a contribution today
(unfortunately our ability to review all new releases has been greatly reduced by the pandemic)

You will receive ADVANCE detailed scores & reviews for all Vintages releases

Every wine & spirit presented is personally evaluated by Michael Vaughan, internationally recognized as one of Canada's most experiened professional tasters

• You will have access to Vintages Release details prior to every Vintages release

• You receive the names of agents and number of cases available

• Access to our database (with some 64,000+ reviews)

• Receive our special updates & access to previous electronic issues

• PLUS exclusive advance access to Vintages bi-weekly Delistings & Sales

The suggested contribution is $75 annually

Please print a copy of this Supporter Form to send with your payment, then hit the SUBMIT button. If you have any questions please email Michael Vaughan at
Thank you.

Please send your payment to:
Michael Vaughan (re: Vintage Assessments)
29 High Park Gardens
Toronto, Ontario
M6R 1S8

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